[fanfare sounds] I present to you @laoahma's blog, at long last. I think for some of you, it's been a loooong time wait since I brought up this idea. So it's finally here, I felt now was the best time since I've got so much time. I'm even taking up knitting now ! 5th January - I decided to start the #100happydays challenge, inspired by the youtuber Kelsey Impicciche. My friend loved the idea and asked me to post a reflective piece of my #100happydays journey, so I took this opportunity to start a blog with it as my first post! After watching a heart-warming video from the beloved Youtuber where she talked about this challenge, I wanted to kick off the new year with a more positive vibe. This challenge is all about noticing things that make me happy by taking a photo/video of it. I took up this challenge with the aim to appreciate the little things and be happier with my life. For as long as I can remember, I’ve always been critical of everything I did (bit of a per...